The word “osteoarthritis” is a combination of Greek word parts: “osteo” for bone, “arthr” for joint, and “itis” for inflammation. Osteoarthritis (OA) results from the progressive loss of joint cartilage, the thickening of connective tissue around the joint, and the development of spur-like bony growths that cause pain with movement. OA most commonly affects the hips, knees, shoulders, elbows, and wrists. Pets can develop OA from prior injury or surgery, body conformation, weight, abnormal joint development, repetitive stress activities, or gradual wear and tear. Many cats show only vague signs of OA pain, but OA signs in dogs can mimic Lyme disease or pain from another body part. Untreated osteoarthritis can negatively impact a dog or cat’s quality of life and severely limit their activities.
Common Signs In Cats:
Early signs include:
- Decreased activity
- Slowness in getting off of furniture or jumping
- Unwillingness to play
- Unkempt coat
- Reclusive or heat-seeking behavior
Intermediate to advanced signs include:
- Change in gait
- Stiffness on rising
- Reluctance to use stairs
- Reluctance or inability to jump
- Irritability
- Decreased appetite
- Thickened joints
- Difficulty using the litter box
Common Signs In Dogs:
Early signs include:
- Decreased activity
- Weight gain
- Stiffness on rising
- Occasional lameness
- Difficulty laying down
Intermediate to advanced signs include:
- Reluctance to use stairs, or jump
- Loss of stamina
- Progressive lameness
- Muscle loss or weakness
- Thickened joints
- Irritability
- House accidents
Can Osteoarthritis managed?
The goal of OsteoArthritis management is to reduce discomfort and minimize further joint damage. Multi-modal treatment options for pets include weight reduction, Omega-3 fatty acid supplements, cartilage protective supplements and injections, anti-inflammatory and pain medications, acupuncture, laser treatment, and physical rehabilitation. Pets with OA need regular veterinary visits to monitor their status and prognosis. Discussing a management plan with your veterinarian is important for your pet to have the best outcome.
At-home needs for cats include:
- A low-sided litter box for easy access and a comfortable bed
- Raised food and water dishes
- Consistency with prescribed medications and supplements
- Modified surfaces to increase traction
- Physical therapy and safe, regular exercise
- Stairs or ramps to help your cat reach higher surfaces
- Keeping your cat indoors to avoid predators
- Monitoring appetite, drinking, urination, defecation, and activity level
- Heated bed, especially in the winter
At-home needs for dogs include:
- Raised food and water dishes for easy access
- A supportive, comfortable bed
- Consistency with prescribed medications and supplements
- Modified surfaces to increase traction such as carpets or yoga mats
- Physical therapy and safe, regular exercise
- Safety gates, modified stairs, or ramps
- Monitoring of appetite, drinking, urination, defecation, and activity level
Osteoarthritis prognosis depends on the disease stage and your pet’s treatment response. Pets with well-managed Osteo-Arthritis, including at-home adjustments, can live a relatively comfortable and normal life. Unfortunately, this is a progressive disease that may worsen over time. If your pet is experiencing worsening symptoms and your curious about our veterinary hospice care, call our office at (802)871-2329 to schedule a telemedicine consult.