Palliative Care
Palliative care is provided once a patient has been diagnosed with a chronic or terminal disease or for animals that are nearing the end of their natural life. Taking care of these pets in their home allows our patients to spend time with their families as comfortably as possible. The goal is to manage chronic disease processes in the least stressful way possible. Evaluating for and providing adequate pain management is imperative. In addition, the recognition and management of dementia can improve the quality of life for both the pet and the owner alike. Other areas of concern for the palliative patient include nutritional support, hygiene, mobility, and nausea control/appetite stimulation. Each pet’s circumstances are unique and some may benefit from more frequent evaluations every 3-4 months. Please set aside approximately 1.5-2 hours for the initial palliative care consultation.
Palliative care may include::
- pain management
- environmental modifications
- nutritional support
- hygiene maintenance
- anxiety control
- nausea control/appetite stimulation
- fluid therapy
- injectable and oral medications
- wound care or infection control

Schedule a Veterinary Appointment
In-Home Appointments
Paws at Home travels to Burlington, Charlotte, Colchester, Essex, Essex Junction, Hinesburg, Jericho, Milton, Richmond, Williston, Shelburne South Burlington, South Hero, St. George, Westford, & Winooski Vermont.
Other areas are available upon request.
Telemedicine Appointments
Telemedicine appointments are available. Please call us for fastest service.
For 24/7 emergency care, please call BEVS at (802) 863-2387